Toddlers are just sponges for everything they hear so we work to surround them with lots to see, hear and say! Each week we will explore a theme using all of our senses – touch, sight, sound, smell, and yes, even taste. Art exploration, music and movement, and sign language round out our day. And what would preschool be without getting messy? There is plenty of finger-paint, sand, water play and sensory stations to activate our children’s developing senses. Included in weekly tuition are music and sign language classes.
Preschool 2
How many times has your two-year-old asked you “Why” lately? Toddlers are full of questions and wonder. At Galaxy Ranch Private School we use their daycare experience as a means to help them explore and find answers for all of those why’s as we help them blossom in to responsible, self-sufficient little people. Through hands-on, active play and participation and creative preschool classrooms we help preschoolers develop their imaginations, gross and fine motor skills and love of learning. Included in weekly tuition are Spanish, music and sign language classes.
Preschool 3
From learning and studying each letter of the alphabet to exploring the world around us, Preschool 3 children are learning the ins and outs of cutting, writing and simple math. The joy of learning is never more evident than watching a child learn how to cut something out on their very own or watching their joy as they see the seed they planted has sprouted.
Our goal for Pre-kindergarten students is to fully equip them for kindergarten while at the same time giving them time to explore and learn through play. Children explore both upper and lower case letters and the sounds they make through hands on-exploration, whether it be forming letters out of play dough, writing them in salt or presenting words that start with the letter of the week as they share their letter collages. In preschool, pre-kindergarten is about learning to write and recognize number 1-30, and exploring mathematical concepts through the use of manipulatives. Children get an opportunity to engage in their personal learning style through group, small group and one-on-one learning experiences. Lessons are hands-on and interactive, appealing to visual, auditory and tactile learners alike.